About Us会社概要

Established in 1986, Zion International Programs was originally created to facilitate recreational tours and exchanges between Japan and America. However, over the years the role of ZIP has expanded to that of consultant with expertise in the areas of Educational Programs, Sports Training Programs, Incentive/Technical Tours and International Event Programs for all Asian countries.

Headquartered in St. George, Utah, ZIP is ideally located in the center of seven national parks, the most famous being Grand Canyon. Millions of international visitors come to southern Utah each year to witness some of the most spectacular scenery in the world. With a local airport and the McCarran International Airport located in Las Vegas, Nevada only two hours away, it is very convenient to access St. George and all its surrounding beauty from any country in the world.



Michael Thompson
Michael Thompson, Owner Operatorマイケル・トンプソン(副代表)

Michael joined Patrick in ownership after his return from Japan as an English teacher in a private kindergarten for 4 years. Michael became very intimate with the Japanese people during his 2-year service as a missionary for his church. Ever since, Japan has been Michael's home away from home. Michael has a degree in Japanese from BYU and now resides in St. George, Utah with his wife and 6 children.

4年間日本の私立幼稚園で英語教師として働いたのち、パトリックと共にZIPに副代表取締役として参加しました。マイケルは宣教師として2年間日本に滞在した時に日本になれ親しみ、日本が彼の第二の故郷となりました。マイケルはブリガム・ヤング大学(Brigham Young University)で日本語学を専攻し、現在はユタ州セントジョージ市で妻と6人の子供と暮らしています。

Andrew Belmont
Andrew Belmont, General Managerアンドリュー・ベルモント(業務部長)

Andrew has been with the company for 5 years as a Program Leader, ESL Teacher and Office Assistant. Andrew spent several years in Japan as a missionary for his church and as an English Teacher. He loves taking groups on outdoor activities, and thoroughly enjoys sharing an American experience with the clients. He has a degree in Psychology from the University of Utah and resides in Saint George, Utah with his wife.

企画リーダー、ESL教師、オフィスマネージャーとして5年間ZIPに勤務しています。宣教師、そして英語教師として日本に数年いました。アンドリューはアウトドアが好きで、クライアントの皆さまとアメリカの文化を共用することが好きです。ユタ大学(University of Utah)で心理学を専攻し、現在はユタ州セントジョージ市で妻と暮らしています。

Jaren Sanders
Jaren Sanders, Program Managerジェレン・サンダーズ(企画部長)

Jaren started working for ZIP in 2009 as a part-time guide shortly after returning from Tokyo as a missionary for his church. He loves the Japanese people and their culture. Jaren holds a degree in Arts from DSU. He currently works for Delta Airlines as a flight attendant and loves to travel. Jaren currently resides in Washington, UT with his wife and son.


Luci Koloa
Luci Koloa, ESL Coorindatorルーシー・コロア(ESLコーディネーター)

Luci has been with ZIP as a teacher for 8 years and our ESL coordinator for the last 2 years. She has always enjoyed teaching and has enjoyed being a daycare owner, kindergarten aid, foster parent and dance studio manager. Luci loves learning about other cultures, painting and dancing. She has taken a great interest in improving others’ confidence in speaking a second language. She lives in St. Gorge, Utah with her husband and two children.
